The latest and freshest Pokemon adventure is here this week, come find it cheap While most people who buy Pokemon Black and White will most likely play hundreds of hours of it, its still nice to pick up a bargain. Since its a brand newPokem...
Big W
Price: $47.00 (Online)
Big Ws site is actually confusing, it says online is $47 but that might be available in store.
Dick Smith
Price: $47.00 (Online Only)
Offer valid only online, however Dick Smith allows you to pay and pick up in store.
Price: $68.00
Also available:
Pokemon Black and White Hintbook: $38.00 and a Collectors Edition Hintbook: $48.00
Guide (when purchased with game) = $30.40
CE Guide (when purchased with game) = $38.40
Price: $58.00
Price: $59.00
Trade in offer: Trade in two DS games not on the exclusion list and get it for free.
Price: $55.00
Deal valid until March 20th
Also available:
Pokemon Zip Case is $10 when buying the game or $14.95 by itself. Strategy Guide is $25.00 when purchased with the game or $34.95 by itself.
Price: $59.00
Deal valid from March 10 – March 16th
Includes choice of Pokemon Black or White and a Pokemon Sleeve Kit
Also available:
Pokemon Strategy Guide: $20 (Same validity period, normal price $35)
The Good Guys
Price: $64.00
Deal valid
Includes choice of Pokemon Black or White and a Pokemon Zip Case
Toys R Us
Price: $54.99
Deal valued until March 20th
Includes a choice of Pokemon Black or White and a choice of two Pokemon plush toys
Look for our Pokemon Black and White review coming in the next day or so. We have to actually stop playing the game at some point right?
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.