Happy times ahead for those without credit cards, your cards are on the way When the Nintendo eShop launched a few months back Nintendo stated that a month later, the Point Cards would be heading to stores so that people without credit cards could pi...
When the Nintendo eShop launched a few months back Nintendo stated that a month later, the Point Cards would be heading to stores so that people without credit cards could pick up some eShop goodness.
Nintendo Australia originally said point cards would be in stores a month after the launch of the store and now two months later ,well finally have them. Weve heard from two sources that the point cards are on the way to stores, however one source says theyre due as soon as next week while the other says theyll be in stock the same time as Starfox 64 3D. Thats September 15th, whatever it ends up being theyll be here soon enough. They are coming to Australia in $15 and $30 denominations.
So well keep our eyes out this week and up until September 15th. If you spot them in stores, send us a tip and well let everyone know!
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well