
Aussie Weekly Switch eShop Deals (Week 41) Relief

A tiny week, but a bit of break is always good.


It’s a really small week this one, one of the lightest we’ve seen in a while – that’s cool not every week can be a winner. Plus with everything out this month – can you really afford anything?

Sales highlights: Both Crysis 2 Remastered and Crysis 3 Remastered  are at their cheapest price ever at 45% pff. Dicey Dungeons is also at its lowest price ever – a massive 90% off and just a couple of bucks. If you’re into adventure games, Sam & Max Save the World and Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space are both at 25% off as well.  Tropico 6 – Nintendo Switch Edition it’s a little rough, but has got better with patches. Maybe at 50% off it could tempt you.

Missed anything? Let us know in the comments.

✚ .cat (GAME NACIONAL) – $1.50 (Usually $12.00, ends 12/11) – 88% off
✚ 39 Days to Mars (Its Anecdotal) – $11.38 (Usually $16.99, ends 09/11) – 33% off
✚ 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife Adventure (NEOWIZ) – $7.65 (Usually $25.50, ends 27/10) – 70% off
✚ AER Memories of Old (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Aborigenus (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/11) – 80% off
✚ Adios (Mischief) – $11.55 (Usually $21.00, ends 20/10) – 45% off
✚ AeternoBlade (CORECELL) – $6.75 (Usually $22.50, ends 31/10) – 70% off
✚ Agatha Knife (Mango Protocol) – $7.97 (Usually $15.95, ends 26/10) – 50% off
✚ Anima: Gate of Memories – Arcane Edition (Anima Game Studio) – $11.25 (Usually $45.00, ends 23/10) – 75% off
✚ Anna’s Quest (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Atomic Heist (DRAGEUS GAMES SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA) – $1.50 (Usually $12.00, ends 13/11) – 88% off
✚ Battle Group 2 (Merge Games) – $3.00 (Usually $15.00, ends 12/11) – 80% off
✚ Buildings Have Feelings Too! (Merge Games) – $7.50 (Usually $30.00, ends 12/11) – 75% off
✚ Bunny Adventure (11Sheep) – $2.62 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/10) – 65% off
✚ CASE 2: Animatronics Survival (OOO Valnat) – $4.99 (Usually $19.99, ends 01/11) – 75% off
✚ CASE: Animatronics (OOO Valnat) – $7.49 (Usually $29.99, ends 01/11) – 75% off
✚ Candle: The Power of the Flame (Merge Games) – $3.74 (Usually $24.95, ends 12/11) – 85% off
✚ Chalk Dash Carnival (SAT-BOX) – $3.00 (Usually $10.00, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Chaos on Deponia (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ City Bus Driving Simulator (BoomBit Games) – $7.20 (Usually $18.00, ends 10/11) – 60% off
✚ Cloudpunk (Merge Games) – $13.12 (Usually $37.50, ends 12/11) – 65% off
✚ Coast Guard: Beach Rescue Team (BoomBit Games) – $7.20 (Usually $18.00, ends 10/11) – 60% off
✚ Counter Bunny Hop – Strike Go Simulator Xtreme Deluxe 3D Shooter (INSTAMARKETINGANDGAME) – $2.99(Usually $19.99, ends 27/10) – 85% off
✚ Crazy Strike Bowling EX (CORECELL) – $4.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 31/10) – 70% off
✚ Crysis 2 Remastered (Crytek) – $24.75 (Usually $45.00, ends 01/11) – 45% off
✚ Crysis 3 Remastered (Crytek) – $24.75 (Usually $45.00, ends 01/11) – 45% off
✚ Cube Blast: Match (isTom Games) – $6.75 (Usually $27.00, ends 09/11) – 75% off
✚ DEATHRUN TV (Merge Games) – $10.50 (Usually $21.00, ends 12/11) – 50% off
✚ DRIVE DRIFT X (SAT-BOX) – $3.30 (Usually $11.00, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Dead Z Meat (isTom Games) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 50% off
✚ Deponia (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Deponia Doomsday (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Desktop Baseball (SAT-BOX) – $3.16 (Usually $10.56, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Desktop Basketball (SAT-BOX) – $3.74 (Usually $12.47, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Desktop Dodgeball (SAT-BOX) – $3.33 (Usually $11.12, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Desktop Football (SAT-BOX) – $2.98 (Usually $9.96, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Dicey Dungeons (Distractionware Limited) – $2.25 (Usually $22.50, ends 02/11) – 90% off
✚ Dieselpunk Wars (Console Labs) – $19.12 (Usually $22.50, ends 21/10) – 15% off
✚ Discolored (Godbey Games) – $5.25 (Usually $15.00, ends 01/11) – 65% off
✚ Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Edna & Harvey: The Breakout – Anniversary Edition (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.99 (Usually $29.99, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Elemental Knights R (WINLIGHT) – $1.53 (Usually $10.80, ends 26/10) – 86% off
✚ Esports Life Tycoon (U-PLAY Online) – $14.99 (Usually $29.99, ends 26/10) – 50% off
✚ Eternum Ex (Flynns Arcade) – $8.40 (Usually $12.00, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Explosionade DX (Mommys Best Games) – $3.60 (Usually $9.00, ends 19/10) – 60% off
✚ Explosive Dinosaurs (Flynns Arcade) – $7.35 (Usually $10.50, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ FORECLOSED (Merge Games) – $7.50 (Usually $30.00, ends 12/11) – 75% off
✚ Fashion Friends (RuWaMo Games) – $9.00 (Usually $15.00, ends 10/11) – 40% off
✚ Felix The Reaper (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.30 (Usually $23.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Figment (Bedtime Digital) – $2.90 (Usually $29.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Fire: Ungh’s Quest (Daedalic Entertainment) – $1.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Football Cup 2022 (7Levels) – $15.75 (Usually $22.50, ends 12/11) – 30% off
✚ G-MODE Archives25 Topolon (G-MODE) – $1.81 (Usually $6.60, ends 12/11) – 73% off
✚ GROOVE COASTER WAI WAI PARTY!!!! (TAITO) – $51.59 (Usually $85.99, ends 30/10) – 40% off
✚ Galacticon (Flynns Arcade) – $5.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Glyph (Bolverk Games) – $2.99 (Usually $29.95, ends 20/10) – 90% off
✚ Goodbye Deponia (Daedalic Entertainment) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story (SteelArtsSoftware) – $2.25 (Usually $22.50, ends 10/11) – 90% off
✚ Gunma’s Ambition -You and me are Gunma- (G-MODE) – $3.71 (Usually $13.50, ends 12/11) – 73% off
✚ Hampuzz (orange) – $4.12 (Usually $8.25, ends 08/11) – 50% off
✚ Hayfever (Merge Games) – $5.99 (Usually $14.99, ends 12/11) – 60% off
✚ HoPiKo (Merge Games) – $2.24 (Usually $14.99, ends 12/11) – 85% off
✚ Horror Bundle : Paratopic + Fatum Betula (Baltoro Games) – $1.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 13/11) – 90% off
✚ House Builder (Console Labs) – $19.12 (Usually $22.50, ends 21/10) – 15% off
✚ JARS (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.25 (Usually $22.50, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ JUMANJI: The Curse Returns (Marmalade Game Studio) – $13.50 (Usually $27.00, ends 19/10) – 50% off
✚ Jenny LeClue – Detectivu (Mografi) – $2.99 (Usually $31.65, ends 01/11) – 91% off
✚ Kawaii Solitaire 3 in 1 (Kistler Studios) – $4.41 (Usually $4.90, ends 20/10) – 10% off
✚ Kirakira stars idol project Reika (Edia) – $6.00 (Usually $12.00, ends 12/11) – 50% off
✚ Kolumno (Flynns Arcade) – $2.10 (Usually $3.00, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Lambs on the road : The Beginning (Flynns Arcade) – $3.15 (Usually $4.50, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Logic Pic ( – $8.26 (Usually $11.80, ends 09/11) – 30% off
✚ MXGP3 – The Official Motocross Videogame (Milestone) – $2.49 (Usually $24.95, ends 27/10) – 90% off
✚ Mad Bullets (isTom Games) – $7.65 (Usually $22.50, ends 09/11) – 66% off
✚ MechaNika (Mango Protocol) – $4.52 (Usually $9.05, ends 26/10) – 50% off
✚ Metal Unit (NEOWIZ) – $5.49 (Usually $18.30, ends 27/10) – 70% off
✚ Monster Puzzle (Flynns Arcade) – $2.10 (Usually $3.00, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (Merge Games) – $11.25 (Usually $37.50, ends 12/11) – 70% off
✚ MotoGP™20 () – $5.99 (Usually $39.95, ends 27/10) – 85% off
✚ Mushroom Quest (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $4.50, ends 13/11) – 67% off
✚ My Life: Riding Stables 3 (TREVA) – $29.99 (Usually $45.00, ends 02/11) – 33% off
✚ Nyan Cat: Lost in Space (isTom Games) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 50% off
✚ Onirike (DevilishGames) – $5.62 (Usually $22.50, ends 10/11) – 75% off
✚ Our Flick Erasers (SAT-BOX) – $5.58 (Usually $18.61, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Our Winter Sports (SAT-BOX) – $5.24 (Usually $17.48, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Out of The Box (Raiser Games) – $7.35 (Usually $24.50, ends 26/10) – 70% off
✚ Paper Train (isTom Games) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 50% off
✚ Parking Madness (11Sheep) – $2.62 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/10) – 65% off
✚ Pig Eat Ball (Mommy’s Best Games) – $8.40 (Usually $21.00, ends 19/10) – 60% off
✚ Ping Pong Arcade (Merge Games) – $11.25 (Usually $22.50, ends 12/11) – 50% off
✚ Pretty Girls Escape (eastasiasoft) – $7.19 (Usually $8.99, ends 02/11) – 20% off
✚ Pro Gymnast Simulator (RedDeerGames) – $2.99 (Usually $29.99, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Railway Empire – Nintendo Switch Edition (KalypsoMediaGroup) – $32.49 (Usually $64.99, ends 30/10) – 50% off
✚ Red Siren: Space Defense (isTom Games) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 50% off
✚ Restless Soul (Graffiti Games) – $14.13 (Usually $21.75, ends 26/10) – 35% off
✚ SOTANO – Puzzle Escape Room (M9 GAMES) – $4.80 (Usually $6.00, ends 19/10) – 20% off
✚ STAR OCEAN FIRST DEPARTURE R (SQUARE ENIX) – $12.78 (Usually $31.95, ends 26/10) – 60% off
✚ Sam & Max Save the World (Skunkape Games) – $21.19 (Usually $28.26, ends 25/10) – 25% off
✚ Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space (Skunkape Games) – $21.71 (Usually $28.95, ends 25/10) – 25% off
✚ Shift Happens (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.25 (Usually $22.50, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Shing! (Mass Creation) – $3.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 27/10) – 90% off
✚ Shoot 1UP DX (Mommys Best Games) – $3.60 (Usually $9.00, ends 19/10) – 60% off
✚ Silence (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.69 (Usually $26.95, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Skul: The Hero Slayer (NEOWIZ) – $16.57 (Usually $25.50, ends 27/10) – 35% off
✚ Slaycation Paradise (Merge Games) – $21.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 12/11) – 30% off
✚ Smash Rush (isTom Games) – $3.75 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 75% off
✚ Space Lines: A Puzzle Arcade Game (RuWaMo Games) – $5.99 (Usually $9.99, ends 10/11) – 40% off
✚ Speed Dating for Ghosts (Copychaser Games Inc.) – $3.36 (Usually $9.90, ends 01/11) – 66% off
✚ Spirit of the North (Merge Games) – $12.60 (Usually $31.50, ends 12/11) – 60% off
✚ Splatter (LLC KURENTER) – $2.20 (Usually $6.30, ends 01/11) – 65% off
✚ State of Mind (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.69 (Usually $26.95, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ Stellar Interface (Imagination Overflow) – $2.73 (Usually $19.50, ends 23/10) – 86% off
✚ Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Islands (Merge Games) – $11.24 (Usually $37.49, ends 12/11) – 70% off
✚ Strange Field Football (Wildbus Studio) – $1.50 (Usually $9.00, ends 02/11) – 83% off
✚ Street Racing: Tokyo Rush (BoomBit Games) – $7.20 (Usually $18.00, ends 10/11) – 60% off
✚ Strike Buster Prototype (BD Games) – $5.25 (Usually $10.50, ends 02/11) – 50% off
✚ Sudoku Classic (G-MODE) – $2.24 (Usually $9.15, ends 12/11) – 76% off
✚ Super Crush KO (Vertex Pop Inc.) – $5.74 (Usually $22.99, ends 20/10) – 75% off
✚ TOUHOU Spell Bubble (TAITO) – $39.97 (Usually $79.95, ends 24/10) – 50% off
✚ Tactical Mind 2 (DRAGEUS GAMES SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/11) – 80% off
✚ The Big Con – GRIFT OF THE YEAR EDITION (Mighty Yell) – $12.18 (Usually $18.75, ends 19/10) – 35% off
✚ The Count Lucanor (Merge Games) – $3.37 (Usually $22.49, ends 12/11) – 85% off
✚ The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.99 (Usually $29.95, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ The Dark Eye: Memoria (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.99 (Usually $29.95, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ The First Tree (David Wehle) – $3.00 (Usually $15.00, ends 02/11) – 80% off
✚ The Long Journey Home (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.69 (Usually $26.95, ends 11/11) – 90% off
✚ The Office Quest (11Sheep) – $6.29 (Usually $17.99, ends 27/10) – 65% off
✚ The Suicide of Rachel Foster (Daedalic Entertainment) – $6.20 (Usually $31.00, ends 11/11) – 80% off
✚ Time on Frog Island (Merge Games) – $28.76 (Usually $35.95, ends 12/11) – 20% off
✚ Timelie (Merge Games) – $15.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 12/11) – 50% off
✚ To the Top, Mammoth! (isTom Games) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/11) – 50% off
✚ Tower Climb (11Sheep LTD) – $2.62 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/10) – 65% off
✚ Tropico 6 – Nintendo Switch Edition (KalypsoMediaGroup) – $37.50 (Usually $75.00, ends 30/10) – 50% off
✚ Ultimate 4×4 Offroad Trucks: Car Racing Driving Simulator 2022 (INSTAMARKETINGANDGAME) – $5.99(Usually $39.99, ends 26/10) – 85% off
✚ Unrailed! (Daedalic Entertainment) – $6.73 (Usually $26.95, ends 11/11) – 75% off
✚ Unsouled (NEOWIZ) – $10.08 (Usually $25.20, ends 27/10) – 60% off
✚ Up Cliff Drive (11Sheep) – $2.62 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/10) – 65% off
✚ Virtual Battle (SAT-BOX) – $3.13 (Usually $10.44, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Voxel Pirates (SAT-BOX) – $3.16 (Usually $10.55, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Voxel Shot for Nintendo Switch (SAT-BOX) – $3.01 (Usually $10.05, ends 08/11) – 70% off
✚ Wanderjahr TryAgainOrWalkAway (CORECELL) – $4.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 31/10) – 70% off
✚ Weapon of Choice DX (Mommys Best Games) – $3.60 (Usually $9.00, ends 19/10) – 60% off
✚ Welcome to Hanwell (Steel Arts Software LTD) – $2.08 (Usually $20.85, ends 10/11) – 90% off
✚ What Comes After (Flynns Arcade) – $7.00 (Usually $10.00, ends 02/11) – 30% off
✚ Wildbus (Wildbus Studio) – $1.50 (Usually $9.00, ends 02/11) – 83% off
✚ YOGA MASTER (My World) – $26.25 (Usually $37.50, ends 12/11) – 30% off
✚ Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (Prideful Sloth) – $19.95 (Usually $35.00, ends 02/11) – 43% off
✚ Youtubers Life 2 (Raiser Games) – $41.96 (Usually $59.95, ends 26/10) – 30% off
✚ Youtubers Life OMG Edition (U-PLAY Online) – $22.50 (Usually $45.00, ends 26/10) – 50% off

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic

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