digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gaming_news/It_s_Official_Rock_Band_Price_Date_Screws_Australians_Over';Rock Band launched in the US last November, and earlier this year in Europe for an insane price. However EA looks set to take it one step further and s...
Wii/360/PS2/PS3 – Rock Band Accessories Pack (Guitar/Drums/Mic): $269.95
Ps2/Wii – Rock Band (Game Only): $99.95
360/Ps3 – Rock Band (Game Only): $119.95Wii/360/PS2/PS3 – Rock Band Drums: $159.95
Wii/360/PS2/PS3 – Rock Band Wireless Guitar $99.95
So, for the complete package, youll be spending the wonderful sum of about $366-388 AUD / ~$360 USD. The same package in America costs $169 currently, thats a mighty, mighty big price slap. So it begs the question, are you buying Rock Band when it hits down under?
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