Scramble the eggs- er, jets! Actually, both.
Halfway through April! 2016 is sort of flying by, isn’t it? But don’t even worry, there’s a bunch of eShop goodness waiting for you every week of the way to 2017!
First up is the Wii U, with a handful of smaller games, and an open beta for Lost Reavers! You may remember this game by it’s older name, Project Treasure. It’s free to join in, so check it out! We’re also getting Yoshi’s Story on the Virtual Console, and a bunch of DLC for Runbow! Don’t own Runbow? Well, it’s on sale, too!
The 3DS is much lighter on, with some volleyball, and the original Pilotwings from the Super Nintendo! Probably do get you into the swing of flying an Arwing soon… And believe it or not, Snow Moto Racing 3D is on sale…!
So, what’s got your mid-April money this week?
Not ideal.
Finally, some preorder bonuses.
Nearly 1000 games discounted, a lot of them very good.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.