If I Were In A Sealed Room With a Girl? Kill her to save oxygen. D3 have announced they’ll be publishing the obtusely named If I Were In A Sealed Room With a Girl I’d Probably XXX, what I believe to be the first 3DS Ero-Game. The game t...
D3 have announced they’ll be publishing the obtusely named If I Were In A Sealed Room With a Girl I’d Probably XXX, what I believe to be the first 3DS Ero-Game. The game takes place in both the real world, where you play some helpless sap trying to woo your chosen girl and in a dream world, where the girls are trapped in a room! You play as a fairy in these segments, which means the girls won’t think anything’s awry when you fly between their legs. Although the goal of the dream world is to help the girls escape by suggesting things they can interact with (not like that), D3’s efforts to show off how you can use the 3DS’ Gyro to rotate around the girls perhaps dilutes this noble task.
Also D3 would like you to note that if you head to the game’s official site, you can get one of the creepyily polygonal love interests to do a sexy dance for you. I’m not going to link that.
The game’s due in the Japanese winter and approximately never over here. Interestingly, the screenshots for the game’s fairy section seem to indicate it would actually be hard to play in the west. To control the girl in the dream world, you write the name of objects in the environment onto the touch screen, which is much easer when you’re dealing with Kanji than any Latin derivative.
Source: Andriasang
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well