
Assault Android Cactus+ fires onto Switch on March 8th

We've been waiting for this one.


The Australian developed twin-stick shooter Assault Android Cactus is coming to the Switch in the form of Assault Android Cactus+, the game is developed by the fine people at Witch Beam Games.

Originally planned for release on the Wii U, its initial release just came at the wrong time – we’d been hoping it would come to the Switch for a while now.

Assault Android Cactus+ features an all-new campaign, single Joy-Con support (with an accessible new single stick mode), and of course, four player is easier than ever. There’s a bunch of new costumes, and the game has seen some rebalancing.

The game will arrive on March 8th, it’s available to preorder right now for 25% off, just $22.50. It’ll go back up to $30.00 after release.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic