It's had more leaks than a pirate ship, but here's some solid information.
Bits and pieces of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag have been leaking out over the past weeks and now Ubisoft has moved up the schedule for the news embargo and let everyone come clean with what they know about the game, officially.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag’s main protagonist is Edward Kenway, the farther of Haytham Kenway from Assassin’s Creed III. He’s not a pirate and the battle between the assassins and the templars has followed him out to sea.
The game will take place at sea for a fair chunk of the game and there will be a huge amount of ports to see. There is still a lot of mainland action with the game containing three hubs.
There’s been no information yet about what the Wii U version will contain, hopefully without having to be rushed for the launch of the system we’ll see some greater GamePad interaction and menus suited better to the smaller screen.
Even though the game has just been revealed, the release date is a clock for November 1st in Europe (and probably Australia) and a couple days earlier on October 29th in America.
So far one CG trailer has been released alongside a bunch of screenshots. We’ve included them below.
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