America gets New 3DS XL SNES (Horrible) Edition too
After the SNES-themed New 3DS XL was released in Australia and Europe, many Americans were left wondering if they’d get it too. Now we know they will.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the horrible mess of purple and grey new console was quietly announced via a listing on Amazon, where it seems to be an exclusive. As with all New 3DS XL consoles, it does not come with an AC adapter, but it does make up for that (and its awful appearance) by including a download code for the Virtual Console version of Super Mario Kart for the SNES. It also ships to Australia, if that’s your kinda thing.
You can check out the Amazon listing and preorder by clicking here or check out the box below:
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They aren’t that hideous. I have a US SNES and my opinion went from horrible, to bad, to eh, to OK to pretty nice over the course of a few months.
Its grey is whiter than our admittedly pretty SNES and I don’t mind it now.
It’s either that or the 60Hz that won me over anyway!