Ace Attorney 5 set for release outside Japan, first screenshots


Capcom has confirmed that Ace Attorney 5 will be released outside of Japan, including both Europe and America. That probably means we’ll see the game  too.

The first screenshots of the game and artwork have also been revealed via the official website for the game which has gone live.

As we reported earlier, the game will put you back in the shoes of Phoenix Wright who has again entered the court room. He’s also brought a new companion along as well, her identity though remains a mystery at this stage.

The new screenshots also show off the happy, sad, angry and shocked faces on the bottom screen which are one of the games new mechanics.

The game’s characters are now also modeled in 3D with the 2D sprites of the original taking a break.

There’s no release date for the game yet in Japan or anywhere else but we should learn more about it at TGS later this year.

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Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.
  • Leiigh
    September 7, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    I’ve never played these games. Do I need to start from scratch or what?

    • Greenius
      September 7, 2012 at 3:30 pm

      I can’t say much for this one as little is known about AA5 (or at least I know little about it) but all of the previous ones tie-in together. So it’s better to play the previous entries to get a better experience.

      Each game has its own cases which can stand-alone but some major plot points do carry over throughout the games and you might be confused if you skip ahead.

      The story is one of the best aspect of the AA games 🙂

      • Dash135
        September 7, 2012 at 6:19 pm

        I’ve played the first three games through, might get the fourth sometime soon, and I can say that it’s good, at least with the ones that I’ve played, to experience them all, in order. Certain plot points carry over as Greenius said, and there are just too many meaningful references to miss if you haven’t played the games before it. Such compelling and absorbing stories and gameplay in all of the already released games, I would encourage you to give them a go. You may need a walkthrough though, for when the answers get particularly obscure!

  • DrW@dsy
    September 11, 2012 at 5:50 am

    The first 3 games are all somewhat story related. Apollo Justice and AA:Investuigations are pretty stand-alone, though there is the occasional reference to earlier cases. Nothing major though.

    Also, I love Winston Paynes growing variety of toupee’s. That one’s just awesome 🙂

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