A look at the Nintendo 3DS prototypes

Iwata reveals what the Nintendo 3DS started off as The look of the Nintendo 3DS has certainly divided Nintendo fans, some say its not as sleek and swish looking as the Nintendo DS Lite, some say it doesnt look like a high-end piece of electronics. So...


Iwata reveals what the Nintendo 3DS started off as

The look of the Nintendo 3DS has certainly divided Nintendo fans, some say its not as sleek and swish looking as the Nintendo DS Lite, some say it doesnt look like a high-end piece of electronics. Some just say, shut up and take my money. However, that wont stop us taking a look at what the Nintendo 3DS could have been.

The latest Iwata Asks feature has shown off two Nintendo 3DS prototypes, one they dubbed the minimum model and the other one with removable control options. The minimum model may look a lot sleek and sexier but its missing a lot of features including the camera and even the 3D screen.

The other model looks just like a DS Lite, has no 3D screen, widescreen but has removable D-Pad and Circle Pad. Iwata jokes that they had even though about releasing a handheld where all the buttons on the machine could have been mixed and matched.

What are you thoughts on the prototypes, does the look of the minimum one or the idea about the replaceable buttons sound good to you?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic