8GB Nintendo 3DS Game Cards a possibility

Thats a whole lot of ones and zeros Nintendo has already confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS will have game cards of up to 2GB capacity. But they wont be stopping there. The manufacturer of the new 3DS game cards has revealed that while the cards can ...


Thats a whole lot of ones and zeros

Nintendo has already confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS will have game cards of up to 2GB capacity. But they wont be stopping there. The manufacturer of the new 3DS game cards has revealed that while the cards can be a minimum 1GB, cards of 8GB may be used possibly later on in the life of the handheld.

To put things in perspective, the Nintendo DSs biggest game card is a measly 512MB. Yes, all those those cutscenes in Professor Layton are very well compressed. This is also impressive up against Wii and Xbox 360 media too, while most Wii games fit on a 4.7GB DVD, there has been some cases where dual layer discs have been needed (8.5 GB). The Xbox 360 also uses dual layer DVDs.

Dont expect huge games at launch though, with 8GB cards most likely to be way too expensive for games at this stage.

Source: GoNintendo

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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