10 Key Nintendo 3DS Games Coming in 2013

Iwata wants people to know the 3DS is more than just Mario.


More good news out of Nintendo’s Investor meeting today, with the revelation that there are 10 big titles on the way this year for the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata is keen to shake the systems image of just being a Mario machine and this new diverse lineup is his master plan.

Iwata also thinks that this will help the 3DS outside of Japan. In Japan the system is going quite well, but new and original titles should help the system more outside Nintendo’s homeland.

[quote]To export the momentum to the overseas markets, we plan to actively release our key titles for Nintendo 3DS which could potentially lead the markets this year.

“Pokémon X/Pokémon Y,” to be launched in October worldwide, could be the most-anticipated one and “Animal Crossing: New Leaf,” released in Japan last year, will be available in the first half of this year.

We have already announced that “Fire Emblem Awakening,” “Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity,” “Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon,” “Brain Age: Concentration Training” and “LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins” will be released in the first half of this year. For the overseas Nintendo 3DS markets, this year will be a good harvest time of what we have developed for these two years. We plan to intensively and actively sell approximately 10 key titles on our own in order to change the Nintendo 3DS system from a handheld device just to play the Mario series to the one to enjoy a variety of games. Naturally, we will keep the momentum of already-released titles with much sales potential by, for example, having them digitally distributed.[/quote]

A large variety of titles should help the Nintendo 3DS get more traction in the west, well that’s what Nintendo hope anyway.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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