Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Localisation Still May Happen
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has been out in Japan now nine months now and in that time we haven’t seen much of a hope of the game being localised for an western Audience.
Until now.
The Japan Expo was held last week in France, in attendance was Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino who was asked by the attending media if the game would ever make it over to Europe?
Hino is quoted as saying (translated) – “Something is in the works, but I can’t talk about it today. Please be patient.”
So there’s something more than silence, keep in mind if it did get a release its possible it could be on the eShop only just like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destines has been.
Better than nothing though right?
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I love both Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton, so I can’t wait to play this, when it hopefully comes out here. I’m sure there are a lot of fans from both series who would be really looking forward to this.
One interesting thought, I bet there would be more Prof. Layton fans than Phoenix Wright ones (at least in Australia) so this game could introduce many die hard Layton fans to Phoenix. This could be great for both series!
(Let’s just hope it really does get a release here)