Nintendo Download Updates (28/2) Mammaries of Fate

It’s a big week this week, absolutely bouncing with content. You’ll find the stores absolutely bursting with permanent price drops and there’s plenty of bountiful sales on as well.
Yes the revealing 3DS title SENRAN KAGURA Burst is here on the eShop – it’s not getting a retail release here in Australia. So if you want the game better pick it up digitally. Elsewhere there’s a ton of discounts on the Wii U; some of them are good, while others like Darksiders II should be avoided. That game is seriously so much cheaper anywhere you can find it in stock now.
The other big discount this week is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate at 50%. Unfortunately this is still well above what the game costs on other platforms so unless you really want to play it on the 3DS (its original platform) then you might need to think twice.
Moral of this weeks update, buy the discounted Kyntt Underground. It’s good fun.
Well then, what are you picking up this time?
Wii U Virtual Console
Wario’s Woods (Nintendo, NES, $6.50)
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Knytt Underground (Ripstone Publishing, Was $12.00, Now $6.00)
Darksiders II (Nordic Games, Was $69.95, Now $55.96)
Wii U eShop Permanent Price Drops
Just Dance 4 (Ubisoft, $29.95)
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist (Ubisoft, $43.95)
3DS eShop Card Download
Jewel Quest Mysteries 3 – The Seventh Gate (MSL, $15.60)
SENRAN KAGURA Burst (Marvelous AQL, $49.95)
3DS eShop Download
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths (YNNIS INTERACTIVE) $19.50
3DS Virtual Console
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (Nintendo, Game Boy Color) $6.50
3DS Retail Temporary Discounts
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate (Konami) $34.95
3DS eShop and Retail Temporary Discounts (existing)
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (Rising Star Games) $19.99 until 6th March
BIT.TRIP SAGA (Rising Star Games) $13.00 until 6th March
Urban Trial Freestyle (Tate Multimedia) $4.55 until 6th March
Girls’ Fashion Shoot (Rising Star Games) $19.50 until 6th March
Shifting World (Rising Star Games) $13.00 until 6th March
Super Black Bass 3D (Rising Star Games) $13.00 until 6th March
Jewel Master Cradle of Rome 2 (Rising Star Games) $13.00 until 6th March
Jewel Master Cradle of Egypt 2 3D (Rising Star Games) $13.00 until 6th March
Beyblade Evolution (Rising Star Games) $19.50 until 6th March
Woo SKB, been waiting for that one looks like fun